Carbon footprint of stretch film explained
17 september 2019
In The Netherlands we use around 475.000 tons annually of plastic packaging material. Two-third of that ends in the garbage bins of the consumer, one-third in the waste containers of companies. This is 0,42 kg per day per person! Even more than in USA, China or India. In Belgium it’s “only” 0,08 kilogram per person per day. That’s why it’s time to think about your part in the use of plastic in your company and the impact involved.

The Packaging Industry is by far the biggest producer of plastic waste, in 2015 141 million tons worldwide. This number is only growing.
We developed the XT Orange® pallet wrap system that will reduce the use of plastic up 70% compared to wrapping with conventional film in the 1982 method (roll scratching between your fingers and running bended over and backwards around your pallet).

This is how we contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement to reduce the carbon fotoprint with 49% in 2030. We hope that more companies in this sector will offer similar solutions. Did you ever think what you could do to reach the goals?
European Commission. 2018. ‘A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy’. (16 January 2018)
Larsen, Esben. n.d. ‘Pollution from Plastic’. The World Counts. (Accessed 25 July 2019)
Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. 2018. ‘Plastic Pollution’. Our World in Data, (September)
‘Sluiting van de kunststof verpakkingsketen vraagt om vergaande maatregelen’. 2017. Duurzaam Ondernemen(blog). (1 September 2017)